Temperature Trends in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia

Trends in surface air temperature from randomly selected stations in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia are shown below. Data are from Environment Canada homogenized dataset (Adjusted and Homogenized Canadian Climate Data
(AHCCD)). Data need to be adjusted to account for relocation of temperature instruments, instrument replacements, changes in time of day at which data are collected, etc. (see Surface Temperature Measurement Reliability).

Temperature trends are shown for Fredericton, Nappan, Aroostook, Doaktown, Wolfville, Sussex, Woodstock, and Rexton.

The temperature data (blue dots) shown are the mean annual temperature for a given year. If you scroll over the dot, the actual temp is given. Linear regression lines are shown; these do not necessarily provide the best fit to the data, but are a simple starting point. In most cases, the scatterplots of the data show the trend clearly enough.